Nazis are here. Nazis have infiltrated our campus. Patriot Front is a Texas-based alt right hate group that bases its beliefs on anti-semetic white supremacy, neo-nazism and neo-fascism. In August 2017, the organization split from Vanguard America -- the neo-nazi, neo-fascist group infamous for a terrorist attack in Charolettsville, Virginia and other alt-right attatcks across the nation. The leader of Patriot Front, Thomas Ryan Rousseau, has attempted to make the group mainstream by utilizing conservative language and the worship of the American flag. Rousseau, much like Vanguard America, focuses on targeting younger demographics, especially on college campuses. It is no different at NKU. Over the last several years, Patriot Front has littered their messages all across our public campus, writing messages with chalk on the sidewalks, placing flyers, and posting stickers. The images reflect their beliefs of anti-semetism and neo-fascism. They claim that America is a land conquered by our white ancestors meant for their white descendants and no one else. The fire has been stoked recently due to the growing re-acceptance of fascism and nazism into the American way of life through modern politicians, authoritarian police, and racist policy, but the flame has never left.
Today -- on Holocaust remembrance day -- Patriot Front vandalized the boulder that centers the courtyard in front of Norse Commons and the dorms. They plastered their disgusting name and message for all students to see as they walked by. Every Jewish student, every student of color, every minority, and every student of the LGBTQ+ community has had to endure the messages of hate on their own campus, in their own home. This is not the first time that Patriot Front has attacked our campus, yet the Northern Kentucky University administration and president have consistently chosen to look the other way. They continue to ignore the harm that this hate has on their student body. Nazism was inspired by America; Nazism flourished in America; and Nazism continues to stain America. We cannot allow for this rhetoric to be spoken and promoted in a place of education. We cannot appease the Patriot Front or any act of white supremacy in any way, and most importantly, we must unite in solidarity to finally put an end to the abhorrent speech of Nazis.